Indoor Air Quality: The Truth Behind the Myths

You may have heard of the term indoor air quality, also known as IAQ. It’s a huge factor that affects the overall conduciveness of your home or office to their occupants’ health. While there are many different approaches to improving IAQ, not all of them are equally effective. To get to the best IAQ for your home or office, you need to sift the facts from the myths.

This article will debunk the most common myths about IAQ.

Eliminate the Source of Unhealthy IAQ

Many claims have proliferated about IAQ improvement claiming that once you eliminate the source of “bad air”, you’ll see a marked difference in its quality. It’s not that simple. A common misconception is that you should use air fresheners and fragrances to reduce the effects of bad air but in reality, you should avoid them at all costs. While mold, dirty restrooms, pungent solvents, and other such sources of bad air can induce bad IAQ, it’s essential to take a preventive approach to it instead of a reactive one.

Ventilate for Better IAQ

You may have heard that boosting ventilation through fresh air will improve air quality and drive up your home’s energy efficiency levels. This just isn’t the case. The truth is that too much ventilation can be just as bad as too little of it. Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV) or Energy Recovery Ventilators (ERV) provide facility ventilation while recovering energy from the outgoing air stream. They are the equivalent of opening up windows to let in fresh air. The key difference is they prevent energy loss while granting a controlled rate of air exchange.

Filter the Air for Better Quality

Many homeowners have a false notion that their HVAC systems, with their air filtration units, are the only factor involved in “cleaning” the air of pollutants and other undesirable particles. The truth is that an HVAC system’s ability to do so depends on the proper balance of air intake and the efficiency of filters. HVAC systems are generally designed for particle removal; it won’t do much to filter gas.

Good indoor air quality, thanks to ample amount of oxygen and the lack of impurities, results in better breathing, better sleep quality, improved moisture control, allergen reduction, and diminished energy costs. Make it a point to consult your trusted HVAC contractor about the ways you can improve IAQ for better, more comfortable living. To achieve it, you’ll need a good ventilation system using a combination of an ERV, HRV, or even operable windows to continuously cycle stale air with fresh air. You also need a tight insulation to optimize their function and promote the best indoor air quality possible for your home or building.

Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning: Your Premier Heating and Air Conditioning Company

Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning can improve your home or office’s IAQ. We are focused on our customers’ complete satisfaction. You can depend on us for high-quality products, reliable services, and competitive prices. We also offer the best Carrier® products, the leading heating and cooling brand today.

Categories: Indoor Air Quality
Matt Farber: