Answering Common Questions About Heat Pumps

Homeowners who are tired of frequent furnace repairs to their aging systems might find switching to a heat pump to be a much better alternative. Heat pumps occupy a middle-ground option between furnaces and air conditioners in that they can be used for either heating or cooling, depending on the season, albeit at a lower capacity than most dedicated HVAC systems. For homes in areas with mild climates, they are, at the moment, the top HVAC choice among users. 

Despite their popularity, a lot of people still don’t know much about heat pumps and how they work. This often leads to common mistakes such as operating the system in the same way they would a conventional HVAC system. To shed some light on this versatile heating and cooling solution, here are a few common questions about heat pumps answered by our experts at Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning.

What Is a Heat Pump?

The main way that our skilled technicians at Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning explain heat pumps to those who aren’t familiar with them is by detailing their operation. Heat pumps work by transferring heat from one source to another. This source can be the air outside your home or even the ground itself. During heating season, a heat pump transfers heat from the source into your home. The reverse process occurs during the cooling season.

What Is the Biggest Benefit of Using a Heat Pump?

The most attractive quality of heat pumps is their dual functionality. In milder climates, heat pumps often serve as a backup system for existing HVAC units. In some cases, homeowners may even opt to solely use a heat pump because they’re more energy efficient than a traditional HVAC system.

Who Can Install Heat Pumps?

Heat pump installations are pretty similar to conventional HVAC installations. You want to make sure it’s handled by a professional from our team at Air Quality HVAC to ensure the performance and longevity of your system.

At Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning, we’re your leading provider of heat pump installation, repair and maintenance services. Give us a call at (408) 920-3910 or fill out our contact form to schedule a service visit and request a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in San Jose and nearby areas.

Categories: hvac
Matt Farber: