6 Critical Questions to Ask Before an AC Replacement

When it’s time to replace your old AC, it’s not as simple as picking the first one you see in a store. There are many factors to consider, and you want to be sure you’re making the right decision for your needs, budget and comfort.

In this post, Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning lists six questions you need to ask when replacing your AC.

1. How Old Is the Current System?

The age of your unit plays a significant role in determining whether you need a replacement. Generally, if your system is over 10 years old, it might be time to consider upgrading to a more efficient model.

2. What Is the Energy Efficiency Rating of the New System?

The energy efficiency of your AC unit is critical to its performance. Higher-efficiency models offer greater energy savings and can significantly lower your utility bills.

3. Is the New System’s Capacity Suitable for Your Property?

Make sure the new system is the correct size for your property. Its size must match your home’s size to operate effectively. An oversized unit can lead to excess energy usage, while an undersized unit may struggle to cool your home adequately.

4. What Kind of Maintenance Does the New System Require?

Maintenance is key to prolonging the lifespan of your AC and maximizing its efficiency. Ask what kind of maintenance the new system requires. A well-maintained AC system can serve you well for many years. Ensure you know your new system’s maintenance needs and how often it will need servicing.

5. What Type of Warranty Does the New System Come With?

Always opt for a system that comes with a comprehensive warranty. Knowing that you’re covered for certain repairs or replacements will give you peace of mind.

6. What Is the Cost of Installation?

Knowing the installation cost can save you from any unwelcome surprises later on. Don’t be deterred by a higher upfront cost as this could mean greater energy efficiency and cost savings in the long run.

Replacing your AC is a significant decision that involves many considerations. By asking the vital questions, you can improve your chances of finding the perfect AC and make the most of your investment. 

Whether you need a reliable heating or air conditioning service, Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning is here to assist. Call us at (408) 920-3910 or complete our contact form to schedule a consultation. We serve clients in San Jose, CA, and nearby areas.

Categories: hvac
Matt Farber: