The Real Advantages of Having a Heat Pump

One of the biggest attractions of heat pumps over other conventional air conditioning units is their efficiency. As far as savings on utility costs are concerned, heat pumps can beat the competition by a long run but like other systems, it has its own list of strengths and weaknesses as well.

Here, we talk about the advantages of heat pumps and why air conditioning service technicians and contractors are making the switch to this much greener alternative.

All-in-One System

Heat pumps serve both heating and cooling purposes. This means that instead of installing separate systems for heating and cooling, you would only have to install one. The combined functionality also means that repairs, maintenance, and other services are only done on one unit as opposed to two, leading to more savings in the long run.

Energy Efficiency

If you ask any air conditioning service provider, they’ll all agree that compared to other conventional heating or cooling models, heat pumps are the more efficient choice. The coefficient of performance (COP) rating of heat pumps reaches 2.5 to 4.0 figures, more than double and, at times, almost quadruple, the performance of other heating units.

Long-Term Benefits

Most air conditioning service experts agree that one of the biggest drawbacks of choosing heat pumps is the expensive initial cost. This investment can be recouped however in the form of savings on your utility bill and, in some areas, rebates from the local government. If you don’t expect to stay in your home for years, it will be hard to get a return on your investment for installing a heat pump.

Improved Air Quality

Unlike other types of heating, a heat pump does not burn anything to produce heat. You can notice a marked difference in indoor air quality with the absence of smoke or soot inside your home’s air circulation system.

Learn More About Heat Pumps With Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning

It’s best to learn as much as you can about heat pumps before having one installed. Call Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning at 408-920-3910 today and ask us about how heat pumps can improve your home’s HVAC system, value, and overall comfort. We serve San Jose and all surrounding areas.

Categories: hvac
Matt Farber: