Air Purifier Terms You Should Know

Air purifiers can help eliminate airborne contaminants from your living space, including dust, pet dander, mold spores and pollen. Aside from improving your indoor air quality, it will benefit your loved ones who suffer from allergies. But before purchasing an air purifier, it helps to do your research.

Discover some of the most common air purifier terminologies from a local provider of high-quality heating and air conditioning services. 


Indoor air quality (IAQ) pertains to the air quality within your home. Maintaining good IAQ is vital to creating a safe and healthy living environment for your family. 

HEPA Filter

High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters can remove minute particles from the air. They are often used in schools, hospitals and other public spaces with individuals prone to respiratory issues. 


Minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) is an air filter rating standard. MERV 13 filters can eliminate up to 99.97% of particles from the air, while HEPA filters can catch up to 99.99% of airborne particles. 


Furniture, paints, cleaning solutions and other household items can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Nausea, difficulty breathing, and eye, nose, and throat irritation are consequences of inhaling VOCs. 


Air changes per hour (ACH) is a figure symbolizing the number of times in an hour the total air volume in a room is replaced with fresh air. ACH helps heating and air conditioning experts know which size of air purifier suits your space.  

PM2.5 and PM10

Air pollution particulate matter (PM) smaller than 2.5 microns is called PM2.5. These small particles can make their way into your lungs and bloodstream. PM2.5 is among the main pollutants traced to measure air pollution. Meanwhile, PM10 refers to particles 10 microns and below. 

At Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning, we’re committed to helping improve your indoor air quality. That’s why we install high-quality air purifiers from Carrier, including Air Purifier, Air Purifier XL, Comfort™ EZ Flex Cabinet Air Filter, Infinity® Air Purifier, Smart Air Purifier and Smart Air Purifier XL. If you also need heating or air conditioning repair, we’re here to help. Call us at (408) 920-3910 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve clients in San Jose and nearby communities.

Categories: hvac
Matt Farber: