Common Thermostat Issues That Cause More Than Discomfort

Few people consider faulty thermostats a cause for alarm, and  so often put off thermostat troubleshooting and repair. But the truth is, faulty thermostats cause more than just uncomfortable indoor temperatures. In this blog, Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning takes a look at some common thermostat issues that cause discomfort.


Thermostats are separate units from the HVAC system, and therefore need to be calibrated so they can  “speak” with the heating and cooling systems. Miscalibration by even just a few degrees can cause the thermostat to turn off the HVAC system either too early or too late, resulting in a house that’s too cold or too hot. The good news is that most thermostats are fairly easy to recalibrate. HVAC technicians also perform thermostat recalibrations during HVAC maintenance.

Poor Location

Ideally, thermostats need to be located at the center of the house so they can sense the average indoor temperature. Placing them too close to windows, entry doors or air vents will result in inaccurate readings. Thermostats placed in direct sunlight will read indoor temperatures as too hot during certain times of the day, resulting in too little heating or too much cooling. depending on the season. If you’re not sure where to place the thermostat, an AC and furnace repair technician can help you.

Faulty Wiring

Standard thermostat wiring consists of four wires: two for turning the blower on and off, another two for turning the heater or air conditioner on and off. If one or more of these wires develop problems, the result will be a loss of thermostat functionality. Problems with the wiring—whether it’s jiggled loose, damaged by external causes or the result of installation errors–will lead to an unresponsive HVAC system. It’s often hard to track the root cause of wiring problems without the necessary skills, know-how and equipment, so in most cases, the diagnosis of wiring issues should be left to an experienced HVAC technician.

Software Malfunctions

As with all types of software-operated systems, it’s possible for Wi-Fi and Smart thermostats to develop glitches that can lead to malfunctions. Such problems can often be resolved by a full reset. Certain models may also have updateable software, so make it a point to check the manufacturer’s website regularly. Should everything else fail, you can always call on your trusted HVAC technician to inspect and update your thermostat.

Call Air Quality for Your Heating and Cooling Needs

Air Quality HVAC is your leading provider of heating and cooling services. Give us a call at 408-920-3910 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in San Jose and nearby areas.

Categories: HVAC System
Matt Farber: