The Importance of a Properly-Sized Air Conditioner

“Sizing” in regard to air conditioning systems refers to their cooling capacity, not their physical size. Proper sizing is very important when choosing a new air conditioner. In this blog, quality air conditioning contractor Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning takes a closer look at why proper sizing is important.

Why You Need a Properly-Sized Air Conditioner

Air conditioner size should be proportionate to the size of the space in which it’s installed. if your air conditioner is too small, it will run continuously, and will need to be set to maximum just to reach and maintain the programmed temperature. Choose an air conditioning system that’s too large, on the other hand, and you’ll end up with a unit that short cycles; that is, it turns on and off too quickly. It will also make your indoor spaces humid, as the air conditioner won’t run long enough to dehumidify the room where it’s installed. Whether too large or too small, either way you’ll end up with high energy bills.

How Air Conditioner Sizing Works

Square footage, which can be derived from the floor plan of the house, is an important factor in calculating the appropriate size of a quality air conditioning system. This number is multiplied by 25 BTUs, which, for most types of homes, allows for ample cooling in any kind of weather. The resulting value will be the minimum BTU required for the room, which should be matched by the air conditioner’s cooling capacity.

Why You Should Leave Air Conditioning Sizing to the Professionals

The calculation described above is a simplified version of how air conditioning systems are sized. Factors such as subsequent remodeling, additional furniture and number of occupants will also need to be taken into consideration when choosing the right air conditioner. It’s also important to leave enough headroom for your air conditioner’s capacity, but not so much that it ends up being oversized. You can benefit from the experience and know-how of a certified HVAC technician in choosing the proper air conditioning system for your home.

Call Air Quality for Your Air Conditioning Needs

Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning is your leading provider of quality air conditioning systems. Give us a call at 408-920-3910 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.

Categories: Air Conditioning
Matt Farber: