Breathe Easy: 4 DIY Tips to Improve Your Air Quality Heating & Air Conditioning

Keeping the air inside your home clean and free of allergens is an important part of creating a comfortable home environment and protecting your family’s health. Though you may think that you are safe inside your home from air pollutants like mold, pollen, and chemicals, the truth is that this pollution can make its way into your house and impact your air quality, making allergies and asthma symptoms worse and even leading to respiratory problems.

DIY Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality

The good news is that there are a variety of things that you can do yourself within the home to help improve air quality and breathe easier:

  1. Install a high-quality air filter.

Not all air filters are created equal. Though you do have the option of buying the cheapest HVAC filter available, keep in mind that this may not be the best filter for capturing all of the dust, pollen, and other pollutants that make their way into your home. An electrostatic filter is a bit more expensive, but it works to filter out tiny particles as well as large debris. A high-efficiency HEPA filter is another option for households with infants, elderly family members, people with allergies, and others with compromised immune systems.

  1. Use low-emitting materials in your home.

It’s not just outdoor pollutants that can impact your indoor air quality. The paint, carpet, and furniture in your home can also emit harmful fumes. You can make home improvements yourself using low-emitting materials to decrease the amount of these pollutants in your home. When you re-paint, replace your carpet, or buy new furniture, look for certified products that are made with low-emitting materials.

  1. Keep things clean with natural cleaning products.

Another way to reduce these pollutants in your home is by cleaning regularly. Use a damp cloth or dust mop to dust surfaces throughout your home. Thoroughly vacuum furniture, drapes, rugs, and carpets once a week using a vacuum with a HEPA filter. This helps reduce dust and other allergens. Wash your bedding in hot water and dry thoroughly once a week. Also, if you have pets, make sure that you bathe them regularly to reduce pet dander throughout the home. While cleaning other areas of your home like the kitchen and bathroom, make sure that you are using natural cleaning products that don’t introduce new chemicals into the air.

  1. Purchase an air purifier.

An air purifier helps remove contaminants from the room and can be beneficial for those with asthma or allergies. You can purchase a stand-alone unit to use in your home to help further reduce pollutants and improve indoor air quality. There are also larger units that can be attached to the HVAC unit. You may want to consult with an HVAC professional to see which type of air purifier is right for you.

Your HVAC system plays an important part in maintaining healthy indoor air quality. If the system breaks down or is not running at full capacity, this can impact the air quality inside your home. If you are experiencing issues or just want to make sure that your HVAC unit is running efficiently, give us a call today for a tune-up.

Matt Farber: