Preparing The Home For The Winter Season

Preparing ahead for cold months can save on energy bills, keep a home warm when frigid temperatures hit, and can help to get heating equipment through the winter season with fewer service calls. When adequate preparations are made, the parts of the system do not have to work as hard, saving on wear and tear while keeping the family comfortable. A few crucial strategies can help to make the preparations successful, and they can also come to the rescue if they are begun when colder weather has already arrived.

Check windows for drafts and inefficient coverings, as this is an excellent opportunity to retain more warmth in the home. Sheets of plastic can be taped to the inside frames of drafty windows or those with leaks that are awkward to seal. Heavier window treatments can be helpful, as lighter curtains and sheers suitable for summer often do little to block the cold. During a sunny day, open south-facing window curtains or blinds to let sun into the room. To benefit from the natural heat without allowing cold air inside while doing so, be sure to take care with drafts and leaks at those windows.

Fireplaces can create heat and take some of the burden from the HVAC system, but some maintenance tasks and care are often needed to make the most of the benefits. Remember to close the damper when the fireplace is not in use, as the heat loss is similar to having an open window in winter. Also check the seal on the flue damper, ensuring a snug fit, and check to see if there are places around the hearth that require caulking.

A heater maintenance check can detect problems with a heating system before they become emergencies at unfortunate times. Regular care and maintenance of the HVAC equipment can keep a system running efficiently, while the seasonal checks at critical intervals can reduce inconvenience and discomfort when they catch unexpected issues before they are problematic. Professional HVAC service for this purpose is less stressful than the need to call in a service on an emergency basis.

Remaining aware of the condition of the heating system makes it easier to anticipate when a regular heating service call is likely to become the need to have a new system installed. A new heater installation, if required, will at least have the advantage of being more energy efficient than an old system. The HVAC professional who handles an installation, when it is necessary, can help the homeowners learn to make the most efficient use of the new system.

Categories: Heating
Matt Farber: